Grande Prairie

Compassionate Grand Prairie Family, Criminal and Wills & Estate Lawyers

Finding the ideal lawyer for your case might be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. Our members have years of experience practising law in a variety of fields, so we have the skills and knowledge to help you discover the best answer. Our law office is based in Sherwood Park, but we represent clients from all around Alberta, including Grand Prairie.

On both family and criminal law matters, Kurie Moore Law Group serving Grand Prairie provides skilled and cost-effective legal advice and services.

Kurie Moore Law Group takes the time to completely understand each matter brought to our notice by a client in need of assistance. We want our customers to understand their options and make well-informed decisions on the status of their case. Whether through trial, settlement, mediation, arbitration, litigation, or discourse, we strive to get the best possible result for our clients.

Our Family Law Services Serving Grand Prairie

We support our clients in many traditional family law areas, including separation and divorce; property and debt division; child and spousal support; guardianship, parenting time and mobility; and cohabitation, marriage, and separation agreements.

Guardianship and Child Custody
In the Grande Prairie region, our team is dedicated to aiding you with child custody and guardianship concerns.

Lawyers for Child Support
Our family lawyers are committed to providing you with advice and support when you need it the most using mediation as a means of dispute resolution whenever possible.

Caring Divorce Lawyers Serving Grand Prairie
Our divorce lawyers are dedicated to assisting you with divorce and courtroom proceedings, and, if necessary, they’ll be on hand to walk you through every step of the process so you do not feel vulnerable or lost.

Parenting, Visitation, and Access
One of the more common difficulties during a divorce is how to spend time with children. The divorce lawyers at Kurie Moore Law Group are committed to resolving issues related to access and changes to court orders pertaining to parenting arrangements.

Separation Contracts
Our team understands how difficult it can be to divorce your spouse or common-law partner. When going through the divorce process, you can rely on Kurie Moore Law Group’s capable law specialists to draft a fair and enforceable agreement for the court.

Our knowledgeable legal representatives possess considerable experience managing family law cases. They can help you through all facets of the process.

Grand Prairie Professional Criminal Lawyers

The criminal lawyers at Kurie Moore Law Group specialize in the law and are passionate about helping you gain the most leverage in your prosecutions. We strive for results that enable you to get back to your life as quickly as possible.

DUI & Impaired Driving Lawyer Serving Grand Prairie
A convicted impaired driver may have to face many negative consequences. But with Kurie Moore Law Group at your side, you’ll have a better chance of winning your case.

Offenses Related to Drugs
Kurie Moore Law Group has experience in matters related to your rights and has defended numerous charges under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Hearings on Bail
The criminal litigation department at the Kurie Moore Law Group has successfully advocated on behalf of their diverse range of clients at bail court preliminary hearings and bail hearings before the Court of Queen’s Bench.

Understanding the law isn’t enough to protect your rights. We believe it is equally critical to comprehend your unique circumstances, background, and priorities. We’ll meet with you and listen to your story so that we can better represent you.

It is important that you get legal counsel if you have been charged with a crime in Grande Prairie. Our criminal lawyers have spent years defending thousands of criminal cases in Alberta courts at all levels.

Grand Prairie Wills & Estate Lawyers

Estate Planning
The experienced estate lawyers at Kurie Moore are passionate about helping you preserve your wealth for your chosen beneficiaries and helping you plan for your estate when you are gone. As they will explain to you in detail, the following documents form part of a robust and comprehensive estate plan:

  • Will
    Taking the time and effort to draft a Will that properly captures your wishes based on your specific circumstances is what our lawyers do by getting to know you and understanding what you want your legacy to be. We will help you choose the appropriate person to be your Estate’s Personal Representative and explain available options for you to distribute your Estate as you see fit. This could include creating a trust for minors or disabled loved ones, or determining how best to keep cherished holdings, such as a family cabin, within the family.
  • Power of Attorney
    While a Will takes effect the moment that you pass away, a Power of Attorney takes effect while you are still with us but no longer have capacity to make your own decisions. This incapacity could be short-term (for example, a coma) or long-term (eg. dementia). The Power of Attorney allows you to name a person whom you trust to manage your financial affairs and care for your loved ones during your incapacity.
  • Personal Directive
    Like the Power of Attorney, a Personal Directive comes into effect when a professional has determined that you do not have capacity to make your own decisions. The Personal Directive allows you to name someone to make personal decisions on your behalf, such as your medical care, where you live, and whom you associate with. You may choose to name the same person for both documents or you may choose different people – our knowledgeable lawyers will help guide you through those decisions.

Grant of Probate and Grant of Administration
When a loved one passes away, the last thing you may want to think about is dealing with their personal and financial matters. Booking a consultation with our skilled estate lawyers can give you some peace of mind in understanding what may be required of you and how you should proceed. We can explain what the legal requirements are regarding the deceased’s assets and debts and we can explore whether or not you must apply to the courts for a Grant of Probate or a Grant of Administration. If an application is required, the estate lawyers at Kurie Moore can make that application on your behalf and take care of the numerous steps which must be taken.

Estate Administration
Once a Grant of Probate or a Grant of Administration has been approved by the court, the work really begins. Now is the time to sell property, dispose of unwanted items, cancel services, close bank and investment accounts, ensure that the Estate’s taxes have been paid, correspond with beneficiaries, submit your accounts to the court, set up any testamentary trust, and distribute bequests or monies to beneficiaries. That can be a lot to take on when you are grieving your loved one. Adding all of these tasks that must be done in a timely manner can be overwhelming, especially with people’s already busy lives these days. Our firm can take many of those jobs off of your plate and, on your direction,

Let the capable Wills & Estate Lawyers at Kurie Moore Law Group handle the burden of dealing with estate processes and put your mind at ease.

Grande Prairie Courthouse

Grande Prairie Courthouse
10260 – 99 St.,
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 2H4
Phone: (780) 538-5360


Get the latest dates and times on the Alberta Courts website. Click Here.

Kurie Moore Law Group’s highly skilled and passionate lawyers are proud to offer our criminal, family law, and wills & estates services in the Grand Prairie area.


Frequently Asked Questions

Finding the right Grande Prairie lawyer for your unique situation can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Our team of experienced lawyers has spent years practicing criminal and family law, providing strategic legal solutions tailored to your needs. With our deep understanding of both criminal defense and family law matters, we ensure every client receives personalized attention and effective representation.

When should I contact a lawyer?

Contact us immediately after being arrested or when facing family law issues. Early legal representation is crucial for protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome.

What happens during the initial consultation?

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your case confidentially, explain your legal rights, and outline potential strategies. We’ll ensure you understand the legal process and what to expect moving forward.

When does child support end in Alberta?

For divorced parents, child support ends when the child reaches the age of majority (18 in Alberta) or becomes self-sufficient. Support may continue if the child is pursuing post-secondary education or has special needs.

What should I do immediately after being charged with a criminal offense?

Stay calm and exercise your right to remain silent. Contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately before speaking with law enforcement. Remember that anything you say can be used against you in court.

Can common-law partners receive spousal support?

Yes, common-law partners can apply for spousal support under Alberta’s Family Law Act if they qualify as adult interdependent partners. However, support isn’t automatic and depends on factors such as financial need and ability to pay.

What are my rights regarding the family home after separation?

Both spouses have the right to remain in the family home after separation, regardless of ownership. You can apply for exclusive possession through the court, which will consider factors such as financial means, existing court orders, and children’s best interests.